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Binding or not-Binding commitments


Idea of: Carlo Caloro

Sound Artist e Sound Engineer: Edoardo Maria Bellucci

Responsible for Neurofeedback : Dott. Giuseppe Cozzuto

Performers: EVO Ensemble (Virginia Guidi, Veronica Bartolomei, Alessandro Cavazzani, Emanuele Gizzi)

Production: ArtQ13

World premiere 7-10-2019 @ Accademia d'Ungheria in Roma

In the site-specific performance 'Binding or not Binding Commitment', four performers are interconnected through the use of electrodes. These electrodes record the patterns of their primary brainwaves, which govern and influence the manner in which sounds are generated. The greater the degree of cognitive harmony among the four, the higher the level of constructive cooperation among the four 'synthetic' voices, which in turn influence the perception of the performers themselves. It forms a circuit of sonic-cognitive feedback.

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